01547 510028


    Staying on the border in Mid Wales, both North and South Wales are within easy travelling distance- as are Shropshire, Herefordshire and the coast


    Whether you want to walk or cycle, visit gardens or farm parks, skateboard, ride a horse or quad bike, explore a mine, beach comb, fish. Visit an interactive museum, shop, enjoy local Welsh delicacies in one of our tea shops. Or just sit quietly and read a book- there will be something here for you.
    We have some beautiful old buildings, border castles, specialist nurseries and gardens (including NT Powis Castle) and ancient churches. There are battle sites, all sorts of interactive museums, rare breeds farms, nature reserves. A space observatory, kite feeding centre, lakes, mountains and the seaside.

    Or, just spend a little in the local shop and pub…

    Ruins of Clun Castle

    For the adventurous there are opportunities to cave and to climb. There are skateboard parks, off-roading and quad bike tracks as well as a rally school.
    We have a file in Rose Cottage with suggestions of favourite days out with maps and directions so you can hit the ground running.
    If in doubt, or if there is something in particular you would like to do then Marje and John can point you in the right direction, just ask.